If your calendar is as full as mine this summer, you might feel like me…
a little over extended.
While my calendar has been full with people and activities I LOVE, I told my friend Bex over Voxer (a walkie talkie app I LOVE), how freaking tired I felt at the end of the week last week.
I also felt a little extra anxious because this last month I had a long 33 day cycle. By the end of last week I was like, “when the F is my period coming?”
Ever feel like that? UGH. It’s those last days before I start that can feel the most challenging, especially if I have life plans that don’t align with my cycle energy.
I had a few random thoughts while I waited that you might relate with:
I’m a food snob – while I recapped a night in with a friend and ice cream, I noticed how I commented about the Haagen Daz they brought…It was the catalyst for me to claim my love of high quality…everything. 🙂
And that’s OK!
But sometimes I can feel GUILTY about my high quality taste…
…In a constant practice to nurture the essence of myself, I’m leaving inner judgement and the perceptions of others on the wayside, to embrace that I LOVE HIGH QUALITY THINGS!
Good food, bougie ice cream, handmade crystal jewelry, well made clothes that feel good on me, and that I feel good in – bring me pleasure, joy, and make me happy!
What makes you feel good and happy?
May I suggest you bring more of, do more of, have more of THAT in your life. IF you can, Start with one small thing today.
I saw Amos Lee in concert, and now I’m in love. Speaking of things that make me happy and feel good, add live music, and this concert was like none I’ve ever been to. Hands down, one of the top 5 shows of my life so far.
We had a front row seat, but even if we hadn’t, I know I would still feel the same intimacy, intensity, humility, and authenticity Amos Lee exuded that night.
I CRIED when he sang Violin, live with a bandmate. It was beautiful. I cannot find a live version of it live that compares to the one we heard that night, but here’s one that works.
Love life– I posted a picture of Mark and me from the concert and I got a lot of comments about how radiant I look, and questions like “who is this man?”.
He’s taking a break from SM, so I shared the image and some of the comments, which prompted a conversation between us that made us both laugh.
He told me that when people ask him about me, he says he loves me (awe). I told him that when People asked me about him, I say, “we’ll see where it goes” (I do love him, too).
Ok, that’s it from me this week.
I don’t know about you, but when life gets crazy, my rituals for self connection can get unconsciously pushed aside, so I’m honoring the strong pull back toward the practices that ground and center me again.
Which reminds me, I’m working on short self connection video practices to share with you so you have something you can use to build a daily self connection practice, or enhance one you already have.
Comment on this post if you want in on those videos!
Until next time,
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