Hey there!
I am back from a long weekend in CO where I spent 3 days outside on a farm dancing, practicing yoga, trying new things like capoeria, also crying, laughing, breathing, feeling tired and lying on the ground, and eating lots of good food.
It was great nourishment for my entire being.
Since I’ve been back, I notice how my body just moves into the day as it did every morning before my trip.
I wonder if your morning looks something like mine…
…I get up, put the dog out, pass through the office to turn my phone off airplane mode while I wait for Maddie (my doggie) to come back inside…
…I feed her breakfast, drink a mason jar of water, brush my teeth, and then it can go a couple different ways…
I can continue to “get ready” for my day, which can include a little self connection moving my body gently to wake from sleep, meditation, and maybe a bigger workout
It can look like getting totally distracted because instead of staying connected with myself and the moment, I go to my phone and check messages, IG, email; turn on my work laptop, then my personal laptop to get my at home cardio workout loaded, and after 20-30 minutes move into the aforementioned type of morning…
…does that feel familar?
The distractions in our life are endless, and I’ve noticed that distracted energy can interrupt the connection to self, and the ability to take note of inspirational guidance, both in the women I work with, and within myself.
When I have what I call, an “intuitive hit”, which is basically an idea or thought that comes to you when you’re not thinking of anything, and usually in these moments it’s a sign to follow that lead!
But it’s the opposite that happens most of the time.
What I’ve witnessed is the body does what it’s always done, and instead of following that inner guidance, unconscious habits, like IG scrolling, or checking our messages, pulls our attention away from our intuition, and toward the distractions we’ve learned to embody instead.
Have you noticed this within you, too?
There may be times when you get a strong internal message or inspiration toward something, but instead of following that hit, your habits pull you into what you always do?
As I have arrived back home and settled back into my daily routines, I am paying close attention to how my body habitually responds against a new way of being.
Said another way – what does my body naturally out of habit, VS what does my body need to LEARN so that I can edit those body habits to lean into the inspiration my Spirit is leading me toward.
If my little example of life tripped a cord in you, you can ask yourself these questions to begin to connect with your intuitive self:
- What does my body do when I get up?
- Is my phone the first thing I touch? If so, what happens to my attention then?
- How does my body react to a pause in “doing”?
- What are my daily habits?
- What do I do without even thinking about it?
If you are a mental/internal processor, you may want to journal about your observations, or use a notepad to jot down your findings for the next week or so.
If you’re more of a verbal/external processor, it might be really helpful to have an accountability buddy to speak aloud your observations, or record them in a voice note to yourself.
^^ that’s me, I have both an accountability buddy AND use voice notes so I Can hear myself process. 🙂
When you notice what your body does out of habit, you can choose to teach your body a new pattern, so when you get that intuitive message from your Spirit/Inner Knowing/Highest Self/God/Goddess/Divine, you can step into the inspiration with it, and THAT is where the magic happens.
I hope this note was helpful, and if you decide to play the “observation game” I’d love to hear from you.
You can comment here, or send me an email any time.
Until next time,
Lots of love,
PS –
here’s some pictures of my long weekend in CO. If you read it, make a comment so I Can reply and say HI!
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