Has this happened to you….
You’re sitting at your desk with the days work laid out before you, emails to read/write, phone calls to make, projects to follow up on, but you’re stuck there, sitting, waiting. You can’t get a jump on anything that needs your attention. You feel uninspired, unmotivated, and completely uninterested. You’re totally avoiding the work, and at the same time
WTH?! I gotta get to work! People are counting on me!! What’s wrong with me?!
I don’t need to spell this out for you, I’m sure you know that when this block hits you, it totally effects the quality of your work. When you’re not feeling inspired or energized to do the work you need to do, your work suffers. You KNOW that, because you’re a smart woman, AND because you know that, the next thing that happens is you feel bad about yourself. You feel guilty because you know you could do better, and you want to do well because your work is important to you, but when you’re feeling STUCK and uninspired to move forward, you turn into someone who is less invested in the quality, and more connected to getting it done and moving on!
If this happens a lot….well, you might want to consider a different career/job, but if you notice it happening 2-3 times a month, I have an idea why, and I can help you get through it!
Remember when I told you I was all about periods?
Well, I want to get super clear about what I mean by that. I’m all about the energy of the cycle.
Yes, that includes your period, but when I say #PeriodMagic, I mean the magic of being in flow with the different energy that’s connected to each week of your cycle.
Let me give you an example….
Just the other day I had specifically set aside ample time to work on a few writing projects, nothing too extreme, most of it I could do while I was sitting in my big chair, watching Call the Midwife.
But instead of the words flowing out with ease, I found myself sitting there staring at my computer, struggling with what to say, what to write. I was at a complete loss for words. Even though this particular task was fairly easy and doable, I was stuck, and super frustrated. Because I told my colleague I would get it done over the weekend, I pushed through writing this short bio….but I HATED it!
I was in the dark phase of my cycle, when for me, my mind isn’t as clear, and even the simplest things can feel really hard. I {temporarily} went against the natural release and receiving energy of this phase when I committed to doing this short, and easy task. That’s why it was SO HARD to do!!
During this phase of the cycle, it’s super common to lose your focus, and not want to invest energy into the daily tasks of your job/career. In this phase, you’re naturally NOT productive, so pushing through doesn’t serve you.
If you find that at certain times of the month you, too feel like it’s really hard to do simple things you can do more easily at other times of the month, you could be working against the energy of your cycle.
By working with the energy of the different phases of the cycle you open yourself up to become A powerful Creatrix (one who brings forth, produces) without struggle! You learn when to take on projects, and when you need to say NO. You become empowered beyond what you can imagine, AND you save yourself TIME! When you are in sync with the energy of your cycle, you literally have more time!!
Do you want more time and freedom?! More space to create? More flexibility in your schedule?!
I can help you.
Use this link to request a complimentary coaching call with me.
If you want to break the cycle of overwhelm and stress, we can get you into the rhythm of your own body, so you can maximize your energy, feel good more often and have more time!
Request your call here.
All Love,
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