Happy Friday!
Are you SO glad it’s the weekend?
When I worked FT in pharma, I couldn’t wait to shut work off and step away for a couple days.
During the week, I was always on the go, it felt like I didn’t have as much time as I wanted for myself.
The weekend was a chance for me to recharge and do what I wanted to do, not what I “had to” do.
I talked to my friend Sara yesterday, she’s in her 30’s and works in medical sales, she lives a life very much like I used to – on the go, chasing the sale, trying to balance work responsibilities with her personal life.
As a busy, successful career woman working in a man’s world, I bet you know how she feels.
I felt it too.
You work really hard to show you’re just as good as any man on your team, to prove to your boss and colleagues you are kick a$$ at what you do.
That “doing” energy becomes your daily “grind”, if you will. You begin to run on adrenaline (aka stress and perceived productivity).
You see everything you do as a “have to” or “should” and over time you start to notice things you used to “do” like meditate, or dance class, have become a part of the past.
You might even hear a little voice say, “umph, I need to slow down”
Sara said that to me yesterday.
Now let me just pause here for a minute because if you’re anything like me, you might also hear your head screaming, “I can’t slow down! I have to much to do!”
I feel you. I heard that A lot, and sometimes I still do.
But here’s the truth: you don’t really have that much to “do”.
It definitely feels like it, trust me! I SO know it feels like it.
What’s really happening is that you’ve become so used to “doing” that when you even consider NOT doing something, you feel bored.
You feel like you “should” be doing something, because if you aren’t, you’re lazy and worthless, and that is the thought pattern that keeps you in overwhelm, disconnected from yourself, and in self doubt.
After Sara’s plans fell through for the weekend, she decided to take a solo trip and do something on her bucket list, she went to swim with the dolphins!
How cool is that?
While she had an amazing time, and was surrounded by people, places to go, and things to see, she felt like she HAD to be DOING something when she wasn’t!
See how sick we are! We are so used to DOING, we can’t slow down, let go and simply BE in the moment.
It was my Birthday on Monday, and I intentionally planned to take 5 days off.
Not only was it time off to celebrate my birthday, I also wanted to reward myself for making my personal goal of adding 5 new private coaching clients to my roster.
Other than a hike on Friday with my friend, Mike, and a salt and sound meditation on Saturday (which ended up being cancelled), And a pedicure spa day on Tuesday, I didn’t have much planned.
I sailed through the weekend in perfect “do nothing” stride, but when Monday hit, I started to get a little itch to “do” something.
A tiny bit of anxiety and “should” voices started to creep in.
I resisted them. I repeatedly came back to TRUST. I reminded myself I took these days off knowing I created the time to do so, AND I deserved to take them off, to celebrate ME any way I wanted to.
It’s hard to let go and not “do”, it can be uncomfortable to allow and trust, especially when you’ve spent so many years trying to control everything.
If you’re feeling the pull to relax a little, I say lean in.
The #Taurusseason supports that right now. Taurus is a slow moving, sensual earth sign in the zodiac. Taurus loves to luxuriate, to feel, and use all the senses to experience beauty and sensuality.
Indulge. Take care. Eat a delicious meal. Treat yourself to a massage, or a facial. Take yourself to the museum. Wear beautiful feeling clothes. I love to buy myself flowers, you can get a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers at Trader Joe’s for under $5!
When I look back on all the Taurean things I indulged in this past week, massage, pedicure, sunshine, planting flowers, healthy meals, sleep… I’m really glad I let myself relax, recharge, and simply BE with myself, my friends, and present in my life.
What or how will you indulge in this weekend in true Taurean nature? Tell me in the comments below…
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