Based on what you want most in your life right now, it sounds like you should maximize the Fall Season of your cycle.
This means you desire to get really clear on your boundaries, let go of what’s not working, so you can have more space and time for what you want.You probably find yourself saying YES more often than you say No. You might also feel overcommitted and overwhelmed with your responsibilities, which leaves you feeling regretful for saying Yes in the first place, and guilty if you decide to cancel. You feel stuck and tired.
The Fall season is the best time to get really clear on your boundaries, so you can have more time in your days, and more space in your life.
Here are some simple ways to do that:
To make space for what you want in your life, you must get rid of what you don’t need. This applies to your personal living space, your mind, your closet, your car – clear and clean out what you don’t need anymore. Ask yourself, “does this serve me? Does this bring me pleasure?” If the answer is NO, pitch it! (or donate it 🙂
#2. Pay Attention to how you feel
You might notice there’s a time of the month you feel super energized one minute, but by midday you need a nap. Fall Season is the perfect time to pay attention to the ebb and flow of your energy because it may just lead you to discern when you need to exercise your right to say NO, which will lead you to have the time and freedom you desire.
#3. Harness your inner Wise Wild Woman
This is the time when your intuition and connection to your Spirit guides is off the chain. You can call BS on ANYONE, including yourself, and see the truth of what’s really going on. You will find there’s a certain time of the month when you feel more connected to your truth, bottle that up and use it to create boundaries on your time.
The Fall season of your cycle is roughly days 21-31 (give or take a couple days based on your personal rhythm) and it is the last phase of your cycle before you start again. You can expect to feel spicy and potentially sharp tongued. You may also feel fluctuations in your energy and mood.
Remember that each phase of your cycle has different powers and potential. So if what you want is clearer boundaries so you can take back your time, then Fall season is your sweet spot.
Let’s put this information in motion and make your life easier! Join me and women just like you in the Clear and Confident Woman Facebook Group.
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