What do you do when you hear that voice pushing you to do more, that you’re not as good, pretty, or successful as Susie.
That inner bully shaming you to believe you should have done it different, then you’d be better off than where you are now?
We all have an inner Critic, and although her mission is to protect you, because she truly wants what’s best for you, it doesn’t always feel like it.
Let me tell you:
- About how my Inner Critic showed recently
- What I did to comfort her
My Inner Critic
Little Lena (AKA my inner critic) LOVES to get things right. She thrives on approval of others.
When she’s triggered, she pulls me away from my intuition and I feel frazzled, crazy, and overwhelmed.
I doubt myself, and feel paralyzed to take any small step forward.
Can you relate to this?
Yesterday was one of those days.
I was on a live training call for an upcoming course I am creating, and my Inner Critic was triggered.
I was comparing myself to the other attendees, what they were doing, how far they’d come in their creation.
I doubted the value of my course, and myself.
After the training call, I hopped on the phone with a fellow coach and colleague.
She said, “you seem to doubt yourself, but your course is really great! Women need what you have to offer!”
My inner critic! Of course! She wants to know she’s “doing the right thing”.
My colleague’s comment helped me see that my inner critic was taking over.
Fighting with your inner bully is hard work!
Feeling worn out and tired, I took a yoga break.
I pulled up The Glo and chose a class by one of my favorite teachers.
It’s not ironic that the focus of the class was all about soothing self care reminders and self love.
Within minutes, something incredible happened.
In the stillness of my body, and the comfort of my breath she came to me, “I have to do it all,” she said.
I felt so validated! That’s what I’ve been feeling, that’s why it’s so hard to ask for help sometimes, because that’s what sweet Little Lena (disguised as my inner Critic) believes.
In the flow, I held her and I said, “You don’t have to do it alone. You get to ask for help. People want to help you, and you get to receive that help.”
My next steps
For me, this means I get to practice letting go of “doing” so much, leaning deeper into my feminine energy to allow and receive.
Practically speaking, this means I get to ask for help.
These two things together = healing this part of me so she feels less burdened by “doing it all”, which results in less triggered moments and more clarity.
The inner child/Critic is multi-faceted.
This example is just one way, in one day Little Lena showed up.
Your Inner Critic will show up similarly, in places, situations, and experiences where she feels she needs to protect you.
You can learn about her as you pay attention to the feelings that show up for you in your life experiences.
When you are a client of mine, we approach this together with an exercise I call, “re-parenting”.
While often times it may feel like a nuisance to “Deal” with her, she has some good qualities, too. 😉 And we work together to put your inner critic to good use.
If you don’t want to go this alone, I’m here for you, and we just might be a perfect fit to work together.
To find out, click here to view my work and be connected to an application to talk with me.
Until next time,
Lots of love,
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