I have a confession… right now I feel like I have so much to-do.
As I was writing in my morning pages, I noticed how I was struggling to keep focus.
I don’t know about you, but when I have a lot on my plate, I feel this pressure to get it all done at once.
Which is obviously impossible.
But in that moment, it feels like everything has the same priority, and that’s what causes decision-paralysis and inaction.
That’s exactly what happened to me this morning.
I was writing what I “needed” to get done, and within seconds my mind had categorized everything as HIGH priority and that old familiar voice of “I have to”, made me feel completely overwhelmed, anxious, and stuck.
This is a familiar feeling for me. Many times I’ve been overwhelmed by the handful of things that need my attention, then I’m stuck and pretty incapable of making any move forward.
For years it was perpetuated by my work. I always felt pressure to do it all, and to do it in a fashion that pleased someone else.
I added on to the external pressure and expectations, with my OWN high bar of expectations, which meant I was pretty much running around in a frenzy trying to get everything I had to get done, just to try and get it off my list.
THAT meant I wasn’t really engaged, I would rush through things.
I mean, c’mon, when you look at your list/calendar of events for the day, and it feels like a TON of things to do, you absolutely cut corners!
I did that, and then I would feel guilty!
Can you see the spiral I was in?
Now, there’s more to this spiral than the little nugget I’m offering today to help you manage your to-do list, but that’s for another post.
If you struggle to balance it all, I’ve got something that will help you.
Go grab some paper and a pen.
Write down in no particular order all the things that need your attention.
When you get them all down (don’t skip anything! EVERYTHING has to go on the paper to make this work)
Now, which ones can you handle quick and easy?
Put them in order from 1-5 (no more than 5 for now)
You should notice that you feel more clear, and your inaction has transformed into ACTION and you can tackle the list with a lot more ease!
Give it a try, and comment when you do! I Want to know how this helped you.
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